Friday, July 29, 2011

Coming Soon

Greetings and salutations, all.  Joshua T. Calkins-Treworgy here, author of the Tamalarian Tales fantasy series, the Bob the Zombie novels, and the Amelia City Stories.  Starting soon, the remaining stories of the 5th Age of Tamalaria that have yet to see publication with my good friends over at, are going to be posted here, chapter by chapter.  They're going to be free narratives, no charge, no muss, no fuss. 

Why am I doing this?  Well, in part, it's in order to try and garner an audience of readers, in the hopes that I may build a larger fanbase.  In part, I'm also looking forward to working on tales outside of Tamalaria's 5th Age, including several works already outlined for the 6th Age, and a few tales that take place in earlier time periods of the fantastical realms of Tamalaria.  And lastly, sometimes it just feels good to tell a tale without the worries of marketing, advertising, setting prices and finding distribution outlets, etc. 

I hope that you'll join me, ladies and gentlemen, as the final novels of the 5th Age of Tamalaria find their home here, on my Blogspot.  Cheers, and happy reading!