Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Next In Line

Another Tamalarian Tale will begin shortly here, and I'm thinking I'll also be using my Tumblr soon.  I'll get 'Servants of Destiny' posted up there first, and then move on to the tale that I'll be putting up here in the coming days.  The next Tamalarian Tale of the Fifth Age, being produced free of charge here, will be 'Let the Games Begin', a tale that sees the return of the thieves guilds from 'Glove of Shadows', the Hoods and the Midnight Suns.  Featuring William (Annabelle) Deus, Flint Ananham, Thaddeus Fly, Akimaru Tendo, and with cameo appearances by Portenda the Quiet and Ignatious Stockholm, 'Let the Games Begin' is a tale which will introduce readers further to the criminal elements of Tamalaria. 

When the various thieves' guilds of Tamalaria get together every few years, they host a semi-friendly competition, to see who has the best guild around.  Often done for the purposes of recruitment and to obtain bragging rights, these games are something like the assembled rogues and ne'er-do-wells version of an Olympics.  In Tamalaria, however, there's more to these games than simple competition; there's the element of the fantastic to contend with. 

And in this year's games, there's also a thread of the sinister afoot, as various guild members vanish or show up dead throughout the city where the games are taking place.  Someone is not out for bragging rights; someone among the various guilds is out for blood.  In a competition filled with cut-purses, liars, conmen and assassins, who among these contestants could be considered anything less than a suspect?

Find out in 'Let the Games Begin', coming soon to this blog space!

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