Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So, Yeah, a Small Breather

Well, the entirety of 'Servants of Destiny' and 'Let the Games Begin' are both up and live here on this blog, and I'm feeling pretty good about it.  I have my first Amazon Kindle Direct title up and running for sale at the following link:

And I'm thinking I'll FINALLY approve of the final draft of 'In Bob We Trust' and get that published at long, long last.  I've been saying I would get around to that for the last six months, and I keep putting it off.  I know why; I'm sad to see Bob the Zombie's chronicles come to an end.  But I'm going to do it, because Bob doesn't deserve to hang there in unpublished finale limbo/Hell.  He deserves to have his story completed, his tale told.  I will not deny him.

I am going to take a slight break from the free Tamalarian Tales material here for a few days before moving on to the next tale, 'The Worst of Curses'.  WoC stars two of the three primary cast members of 'Servants of Destiny', those being Timothy Vandross, son of the tyrant Richard Vandross of 'Freedom or the Fire', and Hina Hinas.  I remember when I first finished the final draft for WoC (went through four drafts of that beast, I kept having issues with the character development cycles and issues with containing continuity from prior/future installments of the series planned for) that I felt both drained and elated.  I love these characters, and I have come to really adore working with previously established protagonists and antagonists in my Tamalarian Tales. 

My favored top five Tamalarian Tales characters to work with, who I feel the most confident in continuing to write about are as follows:

5) Hina Hinas
4) Timothy Vandross
3) Ignatious Stockholm
2) Lee Toren
1) Portenda the Quiet

This is actually a bit strange for me to even be looking at now that I've typed it, because I can recall a time when Portenda, the Simpa (werelion) bounty hunter of 'A Hunter and His Prey' and 'The Elf Queen's Bounty', as well as a major role in a short story of 'Lizard at Arms and More' and with a cameo in 'Let the Games Begin', was just supposed to be a one-off character.  I was going to give him that first story, 'A Hunter and His Prey', and maybe bring him up as a minor support character here and there.  Yet, I've given him another full-length 5th Age novel in 'The Elf Queen's Bounty', given him several cameos, and I've got him slated for at LEAST two lead protagonist roles for Tamalaria's 6th Age, and he's going to be a major player in the final free Tamalarian Tales project that this blog will host, "The Age Is Over", which I haven't even done a thorough outline for yet. 

Yes, I'm mentioning a full-length novel that I haven't even properly outlined yet.  It's the Tamalarian Tale that comes after 'The Worst of Curses'.  In short, I have to get my butt in gear when it comes to writing Tamalarian material.

I'll get to it, though.  Trust me folks, once I start with the typing and I have an outline on hand, and I know where I want to get a story going to, I get there in a pretty good hurry.  As you might imagine, "The Age Is Over" (working title) is going to bring Tamalaria's 5th Age to a close, and usher in Tamalaria's 6th Age.  Some things are going to change massively, and not everybody who has been keeping up with Tamalaria is going to like some of the things that happen. 

Remember this when you read the upcoming works coming from the magical lands of Tamalaria; these characters may be creations of fiction, but they can be very real, if you let them be.  Also, never be afraid to give me your feedback, folks.  I can appreciate comments of any nature, even if they aren't glowing reviews.  I understand that I have my shortcomings as an author; if something strikes you as off or as less-than-entertaining narrative, let me know, so I can work on it and make things better in the future.


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