Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ladies And Gentlemen, We're Going Back to the Beginning

Greetings and salutations, ladies and gentlemen, Joshua T. Calkins-Treworgy here again.  It's been a few days, and I recently produced a video on my Youtube channel ( that pretty much explains what's going to happen here for the next little while.

I previously used to encourage readers of this blog to head over to in order to check out the previous Fifth Age of Tamalaria novels, beginning with the two volumes of 'Freedom or the Fire', continuing on into 'A Hunter and His Prey', then 'The Glove of Shadows', 'Lizard at Arms...And More', and finally, 'The Elf Queen's Bounty'.  Those are the Tamalarian Tales that preceeded the free Fifth Age tales that have comprised the entirety of this blog to date.

We're going backwards now, though.  Ladies and gentlemen, starting with the next entry, this blog will begin playing host to those previously commercially published works by yours truly! Beginning with the prologue of 'Freedom or the Fire', the entire line of Fifth Age tales will be posted up, chapter by chapter, until the entirety of the Tamalarian Tales are in one place, on this blog, ready and available for free reading by fans of fantasy. 

I made the decision to pull these previously produced novels when I realized that I was becoming more concerned with sales figures than with sharing those stories.  That's not why I'm a storyteller.  Sure, it might be nice to make a profit somewhere down the road for my written works, but sharing the tale is the truly important thing to me.  At least, it's supposed to be.  I was losing sight of that, and shame on me for doing so.

So folks, I hope you're up for a spot of reading, because we've got five full-length novels' worth of it coming, all free, and all Tamalaria!

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