Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Prelude to 'A Hunter and His Prey'

The next set of installments comes in the form of the second Tamalarian Tale, 'A Hunter and His Prey'. This next novel was first published approximately eight months after the second half of the first story, 'Freedom or the Fire', and is set fifty years after the events of the War of Vandross. Readers who've stuck around and enjoyed the first Tamalarian offering will likely find themselves in for a bit of adjustment when reading the chapters of this second tale.

The overall tone of 'A Hunter and His Prey', while still full of the adventure and quest-like atmosphere of a Tamalarian Tale, is less global in scale. There is no mad warlock bent on world domination here, folks. There is a madman, make no mistake about that, but he's no warlock. True, he seems to have access to powers and beasts that are otherworldly, and perfectly fitting in the fantastical realms of Tamalaria, but he is no member of the cult of Sidius.

In 'A Hunter and His Prey', I also introduce in the main protagonist a new kind of hero to the mythical realms. While Byron and his company were heroes all in a very traditional sense of the term, Portenda the Quiet, a Simpa (werelion) Bounty Hunter stands as more of an anti-hero. I also partly modeled the character, in his physical aspect, on a well-known bounty hunter in the real world; Dog, of A&E's Dog the Bounty Hunter fame. Being leonine himself with that head of hair, I thought it might make a good transition to the fictional character of Portenda.

For some readers, this difference in personality between Byron and Portenda may seem jarring. However, I've heard from several folks who've read both stories over the years since their publications that they find themselves enjoying Portenda more than Byron; to them, the Simpa is more relatable, more sympathetic.

Wondering how that could be? Well, I encourage you to find out for yourselves, starting next installment when I begin posting the chapters of 'A Hunter and His Prey', the second Tamalarian Tale!


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