Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Head's Up: Timing For the Next Tale

Well, my fiancee and I are moving into our new apartment in a couple of days, and won't have internet service turned on until Friday.  I may not be able to get online until Saturday or Sunday at the earliest with everything we've got to do with the apartment, especially since I'll be doing all of the heavy lifting.  The missus is pregnant (if you're reading this because you followed a link from Facebook, you already know this), so I don't want her trying to do anything that could potentially get her or our Avery hurt.  This could mean having to do several rearrangements of furniture within the confines of the apartment.  Here's hoping I get most of it right the first time!

This will mean, of necessity, that I'm going to experience something of an online blackout.  I know I don't post on here on a daily basis, even when I fully intend to, but I thought that perhaps this time I'd at least offer an explanation as to why I'm not posting for the next little bit. 

After I get back online, I'll be posting 'The Glove of Shadows' in chapter-by-chapter increments.  This is the third Tamalarian Tale of the Fifth Age, and brings me closer to determining whether or not to start writing the final Fifth Age tale before the end of this year.  I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to writing it and dreading it at the same time.  It's an enormous project, as the final story of the 5th Age is going to incorporate characters from all of the tales leading up to it. 

And some of them are not going to survive the final telling of the Age.  I don't know how you, my readers, are going to react to that.  But that's quite some time off yet, so no need to worry.  I hope that, for now, you'll enjoy the characters I bring forth to you, and their stories.

So until Katie and I are really settled into the new apartment and have online access again, cheers!

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