Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Return of Tamalaria

Greetings and salutations, all, Joshua T. Calkins-Treworgy here.  Very soon, I will be re-releasing the Tamalarian Tales fantasy novel series, one by one, on my storefront over on  Allow me to explain.

For a little over a year now, my 5th Age of Tamalaria novels have been available here in this blog in chapter-by-chapter format, including those entries that never saw commercial publication.  They're still going to be here; however, I'm going to be releasing each novel in a stand-alone downloadable pdf format through Lulu, starting with Freedom or the Fire, which is soon to be available:

There's a reason why these novels are not going to be produced through the KDP program, which I've used for several projects over the last couple of years.  That reason is the Kindle Unlimited Program, which is going to undoubtedly, if left in the form it has taken thus far, completely undo a large number of small press and independent storytellers entirely if they don't find an alternative or revamp the Unlimited program.

This also means that eventually, if things don't get changed in a hurry over there at Amazon, I'll be bringing my KDP titles down from that outlet and bringing them to my Lulu storefront.  How things shape up is going to depend largely on how the Unlimited program proceeds.  I suppose we'll see, won't we?  The first step is already underway; I'm removing my KDP titles from the Select program, which should remove them from being offered through the Unlimited program.  I'll be checking in with a few friends at my day job who've already signed up for Unlimited to see what happens on that front, and will report back.

Until next time, thanks for stopping in, take care of yourselves, and as always, keep reading.

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