Saturday, March 21, 2015

Two Months? Really?

So, it's been two months since I posted anything on here. Two months. That seems like a considerable amount of time to go without jotting down something, ANYTHING, of some note for an ongoing blog such as this.

But then again, the Tamalarian Times blog was originally supposed to be just for Tamalarian tales material. Since I haven't produced a novel or even a short story in that series of fantasy works in years, it makes sense that there hasn't been much to post on the blog.

Yet, I get the feeling that I might benefit from using this particular blog for more than just Tamalarian material. I do have a few shorts finished and ready for porting over onto this platform down the line, but I think what I really need to let folks know about here is the podcast and the other projects I've been busy with. Primarily, there's the podcast, The Storyteller's Corner, the latest episode of which is available here:

If that link doesn't work, here's another:

And then there's the latest fanfiction project I've been working on, a Metroid origin story. And before you raise Cain with me, yes, I indulge in the art of fanfiction writing. Give me what hell you'd like now and be done with it.

Well, that's all for now, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for stopping in, thank you for your time, take care of yourselves, and as always, keep reading.

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